Programs of 2024

What we do for our community

Program 5:
The Girasol School - Teacher Training 2024

Program Overview

In 2024 Dorado Cares provided a grant to The Girasol School to support the training required for educators to become qualified in teaching Montessori practices to young children ages 3 years of age to  11 years of age.  

Impact Statements

Program 6:
ACUTAS - 2024 Teacher Recruitment

Program Overview

In 2024 Dorado Cares provided a grant to 501c3 foundation ACUTAS. The defined purpose of which was to pay for a number of educators to develop afterschool programs, workshops and clinics and then implement those programs in the fields of science and technology, visual and performing arts, and sports and recreation. ACUTAS serves an impoverished community in Toa Baja.

Program 7:
TASIS Educational Foundation - 2024 Tuition Assistance

Program Overview

In 2024 Dorado Cares provided a grant to the TASIS Educational Foundation earmarked specifically to 2 young students, who come from a Puerto Rican military family. These students are showing a high level of commitment to education, community service and personal growth. Their aspirations and abilities are extremely high but they need some financial assistance. Dorado Cares wanted to partner with TASIS and help them realize these students potential by not making the full cost of tuition an impediment. Dorado Cares is excited to continue to monitor their progress and support them as they reach for the highest levels of matriculation.  Dorado Cares very much wants to make high quality education of those wanting to achieve a very real possibility. We look forward to expanding our education focus to include tuition assistance, scholarships, voucher programs and other forms of educational assistance to those in need.

Program 8:
Hurricane Preparedness

Program Overview

Dorado Cares Program 8 is a storage facility that contains emergency disaster relief items that we can deploy in the aftermath of a natural disaster. These resources sit in waiting and include but are not limited to: generators, long-life food, water,  solar lanterns, flashlight, batteries, toilet paper, diapers, tarpolines, buckets, brooms, mops, shovels, clothing, cleaning supplies, disinfectant, sanitizers, blankets etc.

Program 9:
ACUTAS Educational and Recreational Youth Resources

Program Overview

Dorado Cares 9th Program was an In-Kind Grant of educational, sporting and recreational resources to ACUTAS Puerto Rico. ACUTAS  Puerto Rico operates a community center in Toa Baja that provides a sanctuary for the elderly and also an after school program for youth in their community. The after-school program is an environment where children as young as 4 can attend and get help with homework, and engage in specialized learning on a wide variety of subjects. The resources Dorado Cares provided included cleaning supplies, painting supplies, furniture, sporting equipment, teaching supplies and school supplies.

Program 10:
Volunteer Commercial Kitchen and Meal Distribution

Program Overview

Dorado Cares Program 10 is our current program. We are planning to build and fit-out a commercial kitchen here in Dorado open to all volunteers. The kitchen is to provide meals for those in need in the surrounding low income communities of Puerto Rico. The focus is on the elderly, the sick and the young. We will partner with municipalities, community centers and church groups to identify the drop-off addresses and create delivery routes. This program is currently being flushed out but the vision is we will retain the services of a senior chef to coordinate the meal plans, ingredients and lead the cooking. We will be seeking parents and student volunteers who ae interested in helping on all aspects of this ambitious program, from administrative and organizational help, cooking help, packaging help and of course distribution. The frequency and volume will be determined on a supply basis i.e. as little or as much as we can as a community volunteer to provide, because the demand for meals in Puerto Rico is virtually limitless. Food Insecurity in Puerto Rico is a very real challenge where demand is currently not being met through government initiatives.  – For more information please reach out to , or to donate or to volunteer please use the donate or volunteer features on the website.

Program 11:
Dorado Cares Annual Gift Giving 2024

Program Overview

Dorado Cares will once again be conducting a gift-giving program at year-end to spread some joy and bring communities together.  In 2022 we gifted over 3,000 sick or impoverished children. In 2023 we gifted greater than 6,000 children including partnering with San Jorge Children’s Hospital and Puerto Rico Women and Children’s Hospital. This year in what will be our 12th Program in just 2-years we will endeavor to gift over 7,500 children from 6 municipalities, scores of communities and at least 3 major children’s hospitals including Hospital Pediatrico Universitario . It is an ambitious program undertaking, but with the support of the Dorado community and a vast team of Dorado community volunteer’s  I expect we will meet these goals

The projected Budget is $100,000

Volunteers wanted – families and students are needed to help with gift wrapping, logistics, distribution and gifting between mid November and late December 2024. To volunteer go to and complete the sign-up form or email

Program 12:
Fundación Hospital Pediratrico Universitario

Program Overview

Dorado Cares made a grant for $10,000 to Fundacion Hospital Pediatrico who facilitate a mental health program called “Child Life” at Hospital Pediatrico Universitario in Puerto Rico. This is the first and only program in Puerto Rico that have specialists providing emotional support to patients and their families to reduce stress and anxiety while hospitalized. Dorado Cares would like to thank Rebeca Quinones Executive Director and Natalia Ferrer from Fundacion Hospital Pediatrico and we look forward to partnering with them in the future.

Impact Statements