Dorado Cares is a volunteer organization only. There are no paid staff or board members. We rely on volunteers to donate their time.

Each year we receive requests from other charities, community groups, church groups, and individuals for help in the form of in-kind grants, financial grants and other forms of goods and services. Therefore each year our volunteer needs change.

 To volunteer fill out the form below or email volunteer@doradocares.org

General Opportunities

  • Office Administrative help

  • Logistics and Transportation help

  • Community outreach help finding worthy causes to support

  • Fund Raising help

  • Para Legal advice and help

  • Bookkeeping help

  • Chairing New Programs

  • Committee Members for New Programs

  • Social Media and Marketing help

  • Copywriting help

  • Graphic design help

Current Programs

  • Program 11 - Year End Gifting

    • Identifying high quality age appropriate gifts

    • Organization and procurement of gifts

    • Inbound logistics of gifts

    • Coordinating wrapping volunteers

    • Coordinating a distribution plan including identifying beneficiaries and organizing volunteers

  • Program 10 - Commercial Volunteer Kitchen & Meal Distribution

    • Committee Chair Person [1]

    • Committee Members [4-6]

  • Program 8 – Hurricane Preparedness

    • Student Volunteers to help stack shelves and organize

    • Inventory Recording

  • Program 12 – Hospital Pediatrico Universitario

    • Students and Families to help decorate a Ward for the holiday season – Dorado Cares is sponsoring a Ward this holiday season

If you have cause or a program idea that you would like to get behind and chair a committee, provided it falls within our mission, Dorado Cares wants to hear from you.